Association of Water and Sanitation Utilities


South Sudan

Torit Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Company Ltd (TUWSS)


The Torit Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Company (TUWSS) Ltd is a newly established Company registered under the Companies Act 2012, of the Laws of South Sudan as a private company limited by shares and owned by Torit Municipality and Torit Town Block. The Company is mandated to provide safe water and sanitation services on a commercial basis and is responsible for the provision of urban water supply and sanitation services within area of jurisdiction of Torit Municipality.

The water sector is supported by the two Germany agencies GIZ (Technical cooperation /TC) and KfW (Financial Cooperation) on behave of Federal Germany Ministry for Economic cooperation and Development BMZ assist the ministry of water and irrigation /MWRI of Republic of South Sudan in implantation of a development Programme with objective “The lowincome urban makes progressively use of improved access to safe and clean drinking water and sanitation services”

Technical Cooperation modules are implemented by GIZ, and Co-financed by the French Government through the Agence Francaise de development, comprises consultancy for processing and organization development in the sub-sector for urban water supply and sanitation for MWRI, SS-UWC and water and sanitation service provider.

TUWSS consultant (GFA) were selected by the GIZ through biddings to provide technical support and tannings on all levels of the Utility and so far, the Utility has received ten (10) training modules instead of sixteen (16) tanning modules to equip the Utility effectively.

GFA was made to carry out investment planning for urban water supply infrastructures, mid-term planning capacities of MWRI such as organizational development and increase of efficiency for the urban water cooperation.


The benchmark is water and sanitation service provision in Torit Municipality and total eradications of water borne diseases.



Setting the speed in Utility service through provision of quality, affordable, reliable and efficient service, employee excellent, full coverage and sustainability.

Technical information

Utility Technical information is comprised of rehabilitations work done on the infrastructure, registration , Objectives and goal, Vision, total number of staff, number of connections, production capacity/day and mode of water supplies in the municipality of Torit.

The Ministry of Water Resources, Irrigation, and Electricity, Dams in South Sudan has intended to design and implement rehabilitations and extensions work of water supply and sanitation systems in the capitals of Equatoria State where Development of Urban Water in South Sudan (DUWSS) considered poverty-oriented approach phase.

KfW Germany acts as the Project Executing Agency (PEA) and is supported by the Fund Manager (UNICEF) who contracted NETECH Consulting Group to sub-contract Universal Constructions Company Limited to implement Torit Urban Water Supply and Sanitation rehabilitation work. Universal has rehabilitated the following as: –


The TUWSS Co Ltd was registered on the 13th –Mach-2015 under the South Sudan Company act 2012.


The TUWSS started operation on the 01st –December -2015.


  1. To carry out the business of providing services in the Municipality urban water supply and sanitation.
  2. To develop increment and manage the water sources for urban water supply
  3. To provide and distribute a constant supply of affordable clean and safe water industrial and domestic purposes.
  4. To provide sanitation services in Torit Town
  5. To provide provision of clean water to the public in Torit Town (TT)

Core Values

  1. Service dimension on orientation
  2. Transparency and accountability
  3. Efficiency
  4. Innovation and continuous learning
  5. Good environment conservation

Strategic Goals and Milestones

  1. Increase access to quality, affordable and reliable water supply
  2. Increase revenue generation, this will support provision of efficient and effective service
  3. Improve technical staff development and institutional capacity
  4. Develop a cooperate culture in line with TUWSS core values

In Pictures