Association of Water and Sanitation Utilities


South Sudan

Gumbo Water and Sanitation Company


The Gumbo Water and Sanitation Company (GuWaSCo) is a publicly owned company that has been established and registered under the South Sudan Company Act in October 2020. The purpose of the company is to manage the water and sanitation infrastructure in the Gumbo-Rejaf area.

GuWaSCo was incorporated on 05th October 2020 by the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Directorate of Registration of Companies, Business Names, Partnership, and Intellectual Properties Office of the Chief Registrar. The Utility is owned by Rejaf Payam formerly Rejaf County (including Tokiman East Boma) and Central Equatoria State Ministry of Housing Lands and Public Utility (MoHL&PU). The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) offered and undertook to construct the required infrastructure for the water system (water treatment plant, power unit, office unit for management staff, water storage tanks as reservoir facility, delivery and distribution pipes and construction of kiosks for dispensing the water at various points in Gumbo area of coverage). The GIZ-REBASE program “Strengthening resilience for pro-poor basic services in South Sudan (REBASE)”, implemented by GIZ on behalf of the Federal German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is involved to establish and develop the utility.

Our Mission

“To provide effective, efficient, affordable, and reliable water and sanitation services in a manner that respects the natural environment in South Sudan”.

Our Vision

“Safe water and Sanitation for all”.

Corporate focus

Provide reliable water and sanitation services to the community of Rejaf Payam.  This could be achieved through the following measures;

  1. Reduce non-revenue water.
  2. Improve cost coverage and remain affordable.
  3. Improve customer service.
  4. Enhance corporate social responsibility.
  5. Cost effective IT innovation to enhance efficiency.
  6. Improve productivity of human capital

Core Values

Core Operations staff and assets

GuWaSCo is managed by a managing director who is responsible for the technical and financial performance of the decentralized water utility. The responsible for a water treatment plant (4500 m3/day), 35 km of distribution network and 26 water kiosks in phase 1. The company management is controlled by a board of five directors that represents the shareholders of GuWaSCo. All of them are public authorities and institutions, namely Rejaf Payam (with 45% of the vote) as the responsible institution for the provision of water and sanitation services, the State MoHL&PU (40%) as the entity that will eventually own the assets and Tokiman East Boma (15%) which represent the local communities in the service area.

Organization Charts


GuWaSCo has a bank account and any two of the following are signatory to any one document.

  1. Hillary Juma Yoseke – The chair person for the Board of directors
  2. Samuel Taban Jefania Kilombe – GuWaSCo current Acting Managing Director
  3. Lobung Nicholas Alex – GuWaSCo accountant


GuWaSCo is obliged to prepare a monthly report covering the utility operations which also include report on the monthly collection. It is the duty of the Managing Director to compile such report and make it available to the chairperson of the BoDs who in turn briefs the stake holders and any interested bodies.

In Pictures

The Board of Directors

The performance and operation as well as the activities of YTWSS are jointly overseen by the Board of Directors (the BoD) apointed by the Honarable Commissioner of Yei River County.

In 2014,the first BoD were constituted and consists of three people who have been appointed by the shareholders of the utility as stipulated in the articles of association and memorandum of understanding namely:

  • Board Chairman Mr. Alison Taligi
  • Board Vice Chairman Mr. Satimon Ale
  • Board Member / Treasury Ms.Clara Hayat

In 2017, the board members were dissolved by Honarable Commissioner Denis Lasuba, Yei River County and reinsteaded the new board of directors as below;

  • Board Chairman Mr. Satimon Ale
  • Board Vice Chairman Mr. Alfati Morgan
  • Board Member/ Treasury Ms. Clara Hayat

In 2019, during the creation of the 32 states and Yei becomes a state, additional board members were added by the state secretariate namely;

1). Ms. Chandiru Lilly

2). Mr. Cons Guya

3). Ms. Raida Moriba as Treasury who replaces Ms. Clara Hayat.

Details of the composition of the BoD and their roles and responsibilities are laid out in the Articles of Association of YTWSS Ltd.

The board members of the utility oversee its operations and provide guidance for the development of policies that ensure the financial sustainability of the utility. The board members are answerable to the shareholders regarding the performance of the utility.

The board members terms of office runs for two years and changes has to be made by the stakeholders to appoint a new chairman for the utility.